How to Write Vows for Your Wedding

May 29, 2020



  1. […] Vow exchange, hand fasting, religious elements, or something personal to you […]

  2. Woww what good advice for writing vows! I’m actually kind of worried about my partner writing his vows because he’s such a procrastinator and I’m worried that he’ll put it off until the last minute and wish that he spent more time on them later! I’m gonna show him this blog post!

    • Danielle Gauthier says:

      Hahhaha BreeAnna YES it happens a lot…. just send this to him so someone else can tell him to do it ahead of time! 😉

  3. Okay, I really wish I read this before our wedding lol. This is an AMAZING guide to write your own vows!

    • Danielle Gauthier says:

      Awww HAHAH I’m sure your vows were perfect!!! And thank you so much, sometimes just having a few prompts can take some of the pressure off!

  4. Meg says:

    This is really well written! This is another reason why elopements are the best. Couples can easily be more vulnerable and express their emotions without having 100+ people present. I love your idea about having a calligrapher write a line on a record – that’s brilliant! Thanks for posting this!

    • Danielle Gauthier says:

      Aw thanks Meg!!! And yes 100% – having an elopement gives you the privacy to be totally open when you write your vows.

  5. dylan says:

    This is a really thoughtfully written guide to writing wedding vows! I’ll definitely be using this for my own vows.

  6. Lauren McCormick says:

    DANIELLE girl you are a mind reader hahaha when I need to buy my wedding dress, you write a post on dresses. When I need to write my vows, YOU WRITE A POST ABOUT HOW TO DO IT. ummmm thank you!!! this is GOLD and has so much great insight in it. Definitely saving this post!! xox

    • Danielle Aisling says:

      YAY lol just throwing out all the info you need!! So glad you found it helpful!!

  7. abbihearne says:

    Oh my goodness, this is such a helpful blog post! I love this!

  8. such a great post! You outlined some great tips for couples writing their vows!!

  9. […] you have a clear vision of the day and all of the details ironed out! You can also start working on your vows and any other details that are special to you that you want to […]

  10. […] you liked this post, you might also like How to Write Vows for Your Elopement or How to Elope in 7 Simple […]

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  12. […] How to Write Vows for Your Elopement […]

  13. […] tip: Read your vows off of paper rather than an electronic device. Especially when surrounded by the natural beauty […]

  14. […] tip: Read your vows off of paper rather than an electronic device. Especially when surrounded by natural beauty in the […]

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